Process Brainstorming


The process maps were an interesting approach to brainstorming; many of the techniques were new to me and brought out ideas I likely would not have thought of initially. Looking into things deeper, and seeking fine details helps to create a richer idea of possible work and ideas that can be used for the project in the future.

The brainstorming session that helped me the most was the 50 questions. When I started out it was difficult to think of questions to ask, but once I began it became easier and the questions became more unique and looked at things from a completely different view than the original questions. It started out as a question about applying makeup and ended with questions relating to gender conformities and cultural differences, seeing how makeup is accepting in different societies and how those who do not follow the norms of society are isolated or alienated.

Another technique I found helpful was the mind map. It started out as one statement but as the tree grew I discovered an abundance of other points that related to the topic was analysing. Many of them were miniscule points that I would have likely not thought of without deeper thought and the connections that were provided while working through the mind map. With the help of a visual I could imagine and guide myself to come up with more specific information and finer details.

I hope to use some of the techniques I used for this assignment in future projects to help stimulate ideas and give me in-depth work rather than just hitting the surface.

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