Expressive Typography



My experience creating typographic posters for part C of our 1st assignment was quite challenging as it was something I have only worked on a couple times before and don’t have much practice or knowledge in how to make a unique and interesting piece.

When working on this assignment I used a trial and error method to decide what I thought looked nice and was a different and creative approach to the word. I was interested in using the letters to create shapes such as lines, triangles, and polka dots. It made the work appear more abstract and at times you do not even notice the shapes were once a portion of the key word. I also worked a lot with the opacity of the letters and “shapes” to find a balance where your focus would still be on the word and the additional items would not become a distraction.

It was difficult to stay away from doing direct representations of the word because that is what your imagine is drawn to and thinks of automatically, but to make sure the work is not overly cliché it was necessary to keep those representations out as much as possible, although it did come up in my work a couple times.

For me creating analog sketches beforehand was more challenging than attempting to create something on the computer right off the bat because it was hard to imagine what the letters would look like and how the spacing would be once you made the work digital. That is why the majority of my hand sketches did not make the cut into my final pieces of work and I veered in different directions.

My final struggle was knowing when something was done, asking the question “is there too little on this poster?” or “is this poster crowded?” It is difficult knowing if something is too simple or if it is just the right amount.

Overall, I really enjoyed working on the typographical posters and I am excited to explore design more throughout the next couple assignments.

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